Written by Avery Source
Photo by Jamie Plain
Here is a fun craft for you to do to celebrate: the Spring season, Earth day, and crafting! It is a great way to use typical things that you would throw away, into a super fun craft!
››Egg carton
››Fun Colors of paint!
››Paper Straws (I used green ones)
››Hot glue gun (Get a parent’s help for this)
››Different sizes of yellow Pom Poms
›› Cut the egg carton into flower shape (round each corner)
›› Then paint the carton however you like!
›› Let it dry depending on what kind of paint you are using.
›› Put a large dob of hot glue in the center of your egg carton; put a large yellow pom pom in the center of the glue dob and then surround it with tiny ones. (8, four on the top, four on the bottom).
›› Then use the hot glue to stick the straw to the egg carton to create the stem.
›› Let your flower dry for a couple minutes and then your beautiful blossom has formed!
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