Too much leftover Halloween candy? Check out this list of ways you can use your Halloween candy, so it doesn’t go to waste. ›› Use in a Recipe There are tons of ways you can use leftover candy to bake. Whether it is for Witch’s Brew Brownies (like the recipe on the next page), cookies,
Witch’s Brew Brownies
All those chocolatey treats are delicious, but every year homes are full of more candy than any parent knows what to do with. We have provided you with a dessert that allows you to use some of that extra candy you have sitting around. The kids will enjoy helping you bake it, and you will be able to
Halloween Events and Trick-or-Treating
Spooks & Legends Walking Tour October 27th @ 4-7pm Depot Community Room Guided walking tour through downtown Henderson presents myths and legends of Henderson’s past. Stories are based on factual history as well as shared folklore. Tickets are $10. Proceeds benefit the Monument
How to Have a Harmless Halloween
The kids’ favorite season is upon us. That’s right, fall is here; and with it, Halloween is just right around the corner. So what can we, as parents, do to keep our children safe and secure while ensuring they have a fun, happy Halloween? Check out these simple safety tips to help your children
Health First Community Health Center
Health First Community Health Center is a not for profit, federally qualified health center. We operate seven clinics throughout six counties in Western Kentucky. Our mission is to serve as a focal point in the region for increasing access to primary care services and improving the health status of
Downtown Henderson Partnership Announces 9th Annual Art Hop
HENDERSON, Ky. (10/18/17) – The Art Hop, coordinated by the Downtown Henderson Partnership, will be Friday, November 3, from 5-9 p.m. in Downtown Henderson. The event features 11 pop-up galleries with over 50 Tri-State area artists. This is the ninth and biggest year yet for this annual art
Public Meeting About Spottsville Bridge October 19
A public meeting to discuss plans for the New US 60 Green River “Spottsville” Bridge in Henderson County is scheduled for Thursday, October 19, 2017. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet recently ran an ad in the Henderson Gleaner announcing an earlier date. However, due to scheduling issues, the
Lane Restriction on Spottsville Bridge Wednesday & Thursday
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet plans to restrict traffic to one lane on the US 60 Green River “Spottsville” Bridge on Wednesday & Thursday, October 4 & 5, 2017. Work zone lane restrictions on the US 60 Green River “Spottsville” Bridge are to allow a detailed inspection of the
Vacation Photos from our Facebook Page
Henderson Family Magazine asked for your favorite family vacation photo for our August/September issue. Here are the photos we received!